Saturday, March 9, 2013

Whack A Mole

Whack A Mole

Cakkk! hi guys.... Im back to update more of our activity in finishing up our Arcade project thingy....

Yes it is a lot of work!!

I came over to campus on 24 Feb 2013 to finalize our own draft and measurement. Lisa was so helpful... I was glad that she is in our group.

We were very dedicated to finish it up early and do the best we possible could. That day, while Lisa did the measurement, I helped her wrote down the scale.

Then the next day, on 25 Feb 2013, we began to build our creation.... We started to build the hammer first. The whack whack whackkkk..... 

Yes, me, Lisa and Aliff had worked hard to build a hammer for the whole day. It was not as easy as it seems honestly....

Then on 4th of March 2013, we started to do the mole part....... All of us tried to finished it in a day but there wasn't enough time.... We needed more hours than we thought.

Hence on the next day, which was 5th of March, we had to divide ourselves into 2 different tasks. I was responsible to finish up the rest of the mole by myself while Lisa and Aliff began to build the new  box.

It's not easy to do the box... We are lucky that Denny and Ajiem helped us with the box during the 2D class on that day.... Thanks Ajiem! Thanks Denny!

Luckily, I'm able to finish up all the moles.... If u look carefully at them, I actually create 3 moles that represent us... The left is Aliff, then middle is Lisa and I'm on the right one hehehehehe

However unfortunately, I still had to stay back late to finish up with the box.

We were not the only one that had to stay back... there's also another group as well had to stay back late that night..

The good thing was, during the break time, we had made fool of ourselves to release stress from the long day..

Aladdin flying carpet

Implemented silicone breast

Little crazy munchkin

Almost done

And yayyyyyyyy we have done the box huhuhu.... 

Huhuhu..... Till here thennnnn. See you some other time. :)

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