Friday, February 15, 2013

It's ALL about BOX cut-out

Aloha I'm back....  ngeeee

At the very recent class, Ms Lisa gave us an in-class activity and assignment that had to do with a square or more likely a box. Well, it is more like you cut-off the square thingy and take it out and glue it outside of the square....

We had to do it symmetrical and asymmetrical with 2 during the class and another 2 at home.
This is what we needed to bring in the class last week,

In-Class Activity:

 Here is how my design gonna be:


 My first draft, I got inspiration by the issue that I had been through in my life.... Everyday there's always a new issue shown out of no where unexpectedly or expectedly. Those issues in my life have turned me into miserable person but with a strong heart who willing not or to never give up. So, I drew a puzzle pathway. Puzzle to me is all about how you solve your problem. There's many way in solving it. But I choose to get out from the pathway to solve my problem...

So, second step, I did cut off the puzzle and sticked it outside of the box.

And here is the final result..... I'm solving my problem outside of the box now and I'm happily free  from the problem hahahaha.

Well then my second draft for the day will be as shown below:

At first I only got the inspiration from a random curve. I love anything with a smooth curve. To me, it does look elegant. But then I was thinking how was it look like if I do a symmetrical design outer box.... Then I notice that it does look like a spiderweb.... 

So, I changed a bit of my draft by adding a long line of sharp loops triangle on top of it... well here how it looks like:

And the final result is amazing.......A spiderweb look alike. I love it..

It is a long mid-term break and I feel like time goes so slow..... and procrastination has explode-out in my vein.. aiyeee.. what a life.. I have done the assignment but not yet the blog..,  Everyday I talk to myself on bed and try to figure out the answer to my question, "when are you going to start doing the blog?"

Talking to the devil, Thankgod to my darling friend, Lisa Izhar has just woke me up this morning and remind me today to do the blog..  Only one message reminder from her, I am straight awake and do the blog. Mmmm maybe she's a wizard..... She just put me on spells... hahaha

Huhuhu... alright now.... Here is my other 2design assignments,


We have to design One for Symmetrical and One for Assymmetrical.. 

I came out with some of interesting drafts... but in the end, I drew something else and add a bit more touch.

a) Symmetrical

Here is my draft for symmetrical shape.

For my 1st draft, I got inspiration from my beloved kitten, I named him HarryPotter :). I found him on the street wounded last month on 2nd January near to my house. He was only 2weeks old that time and was bitten by a huge rat. I loved him so much since then and I never could stop thinking of him everyday. From there on, I had thought of creating a love symmetrical. 

And here is the final result.

I used to be very depressed and hot tempered person, but when I found a kitten and brought him back home, I only have love and all the depression and tempered just disappeared surprisingly. He has completed my heart and changed my life.

b) Assymmetrical

 Here is my draft for asymmetrical shape.

I inspired by the tic tac toe game. It is a simple game that doesn't cost you a dime. But when you put it outside of the box, it will cost you an infinity. Easy word to put it is as priceless.

And here is the result,

The cheap game that cost you only a dime on the inside of the box that will lead you to the cost of infinity outside of the box.

In conclusion, through all these journey of doing the assignment, I understand much better why it is important to be outside of the box. For symmetrical, being outside of the box can create happiness and for asymmetrical, being outside of the box can create our dreams come true unlimitedly or pretty much freedom... who does not want a freedom aighttt! huhuhu the end.

The Final Project.

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