At last we come to the end of the semester for our 2D class. Last week, we had a lot of fun.
We had to do a canvas painting while listening to music at outside of our classroom, near lakeside.
I prepared myself one here, unable to find acrylic colour paint, I used Fabric colour paint instead.
Well, basically we had to design 2 canvas painting. One section, we had to paint while listening to Classical Music and another one we had to paint to Contemporary Music. The result are amazing.
Here is my work progress......
The First Section, Canvas painting with Classical Music :
I was actually re-painting on top of my first design and it went a bit out of the way as shown per below,
yes here we go,
I went a bit too crazy.
The Second Section, Canvas painting with Contemporary Music :
I used a sponge for the so called "round eyes" as shown above.
It was actually easier to paint this one than the other masterpiece. I only took 30 minutes to finish it huhuhu....
I would like to give credit to Shamim for helping me to loosen up all the fabric paint cans top lid.
And here we are. My masterpieces (shown above).
Some of my classmates masterpieces :
Our last lecture from our beloved lecturer, Ms Lisa.
Thank you so much for all your support, may your teachings will not be forgotten for years to come.
We definitely going to miss her.